A photo of Black Coffee kissing a woman on her cheek surfaced on social media and left people talking on the comments section after they noticed something else.
Coffee was not only kissing her but also holding her apparently with his left arm ,according to comments who believe that love is a strong cause which made him reveal his left hand finally.
Here is what we know about Black Coffee’s left hand;The renowned DJ described how he and his grandmother joined the crowds in celebrating the historic event on the night of the late Nelson Mandela’s release in 1990 during the interview.
He heard a tremendous bang that resembled a gunshot about three or four in the morning, became unconscious, and when he came to, there was fire and everyone, including himself, were being taken to the hospital. The people who had lined the streets had apparently been struck by a taxi that had gone off the road.
After examining Black Coffee’s hand at the hospital, the medical staff determined that it only had a minor fracture and discharged him. However, the pain was intolerable, so after one day, his grandmother sent him to a hospital in Durban where he saw a specialist.
After examining him, the doctor discovered that his arm had no life, the nerves in his shoulder were destroyed, and they had even discussed amputating it. He was relieved to hear from the doctor that his hand was not totally destroyed and that, although they had ruled out amputation, it would take time for the hand to ever regain strength.
A Facebook individual by the user name of ” Tumelo Samuels ” felt the need to share this sight with the people on social media and captioned it.