A few days ago People were left shocked after a video of a lady who works at Spa was shared on social media. In the video that was shared, the lady is seen inappropriately touching her private part, the video went viral in trend the worst part of it was she was wearing her work uniform, by the look of things the Lady allegedly took the video and sent it to someone, then person took the video and send it on the internet living the lady embarrassed and humiliated.
Things got worse not only did the guy humiliate the lady but it was also reported that the lady lost her job after she allegedly got fired after this video was posted, then it was reported that the lady couldn’t face the embarrassment she then killed herself. not only that they also faked her funeral as well see what was posted:
After this post was shared people started, and according to reports it is all a lie the lady was not fired from work but they took her for counseling after what happened so that they could help her recover from the embarrassment.
People will do everything just to get people’s attention or to trend. This is wrong if people have nothing better to say it’s better to keep quiet.