The liberation struggle against colonialism remains unfinished, and recent mischaracterizations of uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) and former President Jacob Zuma as adversaries have drawn sharp criticism from political figure Floyd Shivambu. These distortions, he argues, reveal a concerning lack of ideological understanding about the fight against oppression and the foundational values of liberation movements.
Shivambu, a staunch advocate for unity among progressive forces, recently addressed the issue on social media platform X. He highlighted that MK is more than a military organization; it is a unifying symbol for movements committed to the complete emancipation of oppressed peoples. “No black political party is an enemy to MK,” Shivambu declared, framing these parties as potential allies in dismantling colonial systems that persist in economic, social, and political structures.
The root of such misunderstandings, Shivambu suggested, lies in inadequate political education and a lack of shared ideological grounding. “We need to conduct joint political schools with all formations,” he urged, emphasizing that such initiatives could eliminate misconceptions and foster solidarity. Shivambu’s vision is clear: liberation movements must prioritize unity to confront their common adversary—the lingering colonial legacy.
Shivambu also defended Zuma, often a polarizing figure, describing him as a unifier and leader of liberation forces. “He is not an enemy,” Shivambu stated, affirming Zuma’s role as an enduring symbol of resistance and a champion of collective leadership in the fight against systemic oppression.
This call for unity underscores the need for liberation movements to transcend internal divisions and focus on their shared mission. Shivambu warned that misjudging key figures and movements undermines the struggle and betrays a superficial understanding of the complexities of liberation.
“The struggle continues! Aluta Continua! No retreat!” Shivambu concluded, issuing a rallying cry for all who envision a decolonized and liberated future. His message serves as a powerful reminder that true emancipation demands intellectual rigor, collaboration, and an unwavering commitment to unity. Now is the time to move beyond misconceptions and unite under the banner of progress and freedom.