Get ready for the premiere of “Mommy Club,” an exciting new local reality TV show set to debut on Showmax on June 27, 2023. The show follows the lives of four remarkable women, Mpumi Mops, Nunurai, Ratile Mabitsela, and Tshego Manche, who are known as Jozi momfluencers. Alongside these influential mothers, the series also features 13 nannies who play a pivotal role in supporting and assisting the leading ladies.
The concept for “Mommy Club” was inspired by executive producer Zinzi Velelo’s personal experiences of motherhood. After giving birth to her own child, Velelo observed other mothers who seemed to have it all together, surpassing her own efforts. This observation sparked her curiosity and led her to wonder if these mothers were part of a secret “Mommy Club.”
Velelo shared her thoughts, saying, “You can still be glamorous, loving, young, ambitious, and all things fabulous. Children are an incredible addition to your life, but it’s important not to neglect yourself and your dreams. There is a ‘you’ before kids and a ‘you’ after kids.” With this mindset, Velelo set out to create a TV show that celebrates the multifaceted nature of modern motherhood.
The chosen cast members of “Mommy Club” were carefully selected for their unique qualities and achievements. Velelo emphasized that these fabulous women are hardworking black individuals who truly have it all. Together, they have a total of 15 children, and to ensure their busy lifestyles remain balanced, they rely on the support of their 13 dedicated nannies.
The show promises to provide viewers with a glimpse into the glamorous lives of these “it moms.” From shopping at the exclusive Diamond Walk to maintaining a vibrant social life and indulging in the finest champagne, these women demonstrate that motherhood doesn’t have to limit one’s ambitions or desire for luxury.