Home Affair’s minister Aaron Motsoaledi is leaving no stones unturned in his quest to fix the country.
Motsoaledi has been in the news headlines in recent months for his zero stance towards corruption at the Home Affair’s Department.
According to the latest media reports, Motsoaledi is now stepping in to address the issue of fake marriages in South Africans.
Some South African women have in the past been accused of getting paid to marry foreign nationals. This eventually leads to foreign nationals obtaining Identity Documents.
The smooth talking Motsoaledi now wants foreign pastors banned from officiating nuptials in the country.
This, he believes, will do away with corrupt activities.
“We now have a very effective counter corruption unit. Much as these things were committed sometime back, it’s only last year that the people were reported officially to the department. I’m sure all the other times people thought nothing would happen, but people ended up being fired,” said Motsoaledi.
The Sowetan has reported that new changes are already being made to the regulatory framework by home affairs which are due to be published for public comment.
If this bill passes, it will then be brought to law.