Tensions are escalating within the Umkhonto weSizwe Party (MK Party), with its grassroots faction, the Groundforces, voicing strong dissatisfaction with Secretary-General Floyd Shivambu and senior party member Busisiwe Mkhwebane. The Groundforces are urging party president Jacob Zuma to urgently remove both figures, citing concerns about their leadership and alignment with the party’s core values.
In a statement released by the Groundforces, the group accused Shivambu and Mkhwebane of undermining the party’s mission. While the statement lacks specific allegations, party insiders attribute the discord to strategic disagreements within the leadership.
“These individuals are compromising the unity and integrity of the MK Party. We call upon President Zuma to act swiftly and decisively to protect the movement,” the statement emphasized.
Floyd Shivambu, who recently assumed the role of Secretary-General, has come under fire for what some members describe as a divisive leadership style. Similarly, Mkhwebane, a former Public Protector, faces criticism for allegedly failing to embrace the party’s grassroots-driven approach to tackling socio-economic challenges.
The Groundforces’ demands have ignited heated debate within the party. While a faction of members supports Shivambu and Mkhwebane, others have aligned with the Groundforces, warning that their continued leadership could harm the MK Party’s credibility and future.
As the MK Party gains traction on South Africa’s political landscape, the internal discord threatens to overshadow its rise. Founded with a surge in membership, the party is under increasing pressure to address these divisions and maintain its unity.
President Zuma has yet to respond to the Groundforces’ demands. However, political analysts suggest that his decision will have significant implications for the party’s stability and its potential to cement itself as a major player in South African politics.
Observers are watching closely to see whether the MK Party can overcome these internal rifts or if the tensions will hinder its growing influence.