Isencane Lengane is a reality TV show in South Africa that has captured the attention of many viewers. The show revolves around the marriage of Thando and Siyacela, and the challenges that they face as a couple. While the show has been entertaining for some, it has left many people upset due to the bad marriage that Thando and Siyacela are in. And many viewers are hoping that one day, it will all come to an end and Thando will finally choose herself and put herself first because she deserves, better than what she is getting.
Throughout the show, viewers have witnessed the mistreatment, infidelity, and abuse that Thando has endured in her marriage. Many viewers have expressed their sympathy for Thando and have urged her to leave the marriage and focus on her future. However, Thando has chosen to stay with her husband despite the challenges they face.
In the latest episode of the show, Thando met up with her parents to discuss family-related issues. During the conversation, Thando made a shocking revelation that Siyacela does not know how to speak IsiZulu and went to a multiracial school. This revelation left many viewers in shock as it raised questions about Siyacela’s background and his ability to communicate with Thando.
Which is quite shocking because throughout the seasons of the show, Thando and Siyacela have been communicating in their native language, which is IsiZulu. Viewers were also shocked when they realized that Siyacela was able to communicate in English, even though it might not seem like it for long. Thando is someone who has always proven that no matter what, she will always stand in support of her husband and defend him.