In an unusual turn of events, an Eastern Cape businessman and also a member of United Democratic Movement (UDM) asked to be buried in his favourite Mercedes Benz.
Jozana village in Stekrspruit came to a standstill on Saturday as the funeral of Tshekedi Pitso became the centre of attention.
People looked on as Pitso, dressed in a cream white, sat behind the steering wheel with his hands placed on the steering wheel in his favourite Mercedes Benz which was towed to the graveyard.
After all, this was Pitso’s wish to be buried in his favourite car. The funeral took the attention of people away from the country’s lockdown and became the talk of the town.
UDM leader Bantu Holomisa posted on his twitter page @BantuHolomisa: Passing of Tshekedi Bufton Pitso of #Sterkspruit. My condolences to the family, relatives, friends and UDM members. We thank Pitso 4 (sic) everything he did for the UDM. I was on my way to his funeral, but Rev Meshoe’s #CoronavirusTest results yesterday, changed everything.”
Mfundo Nqata Bongela wrote on Facebook that Sterkspruit will never be the same again.
“A flamboyant character until death. I am not surprised that you asked to be taken to your final resting place in your favourite Mercedes Benz,” he said.
Rian Van Landgoed commented on Bongela’s post saying : “I am sure he (Pitso) is awaiting to chauffeur Jesus Christ around when he returns.”